Super clean, solid, and handsome 172F. Peer-leading aircraft for the vintage!
- Total Time: 2,407.5 hours
- AFTT = Tach + 1,563 hours
- Damage History: No known damage history
- Useful Load: 928 lbs
- Empty Weight: 1,372.5 lbs
- No hail damage noted
- Large bagged door
- Very clean glass
Continental O-300-D
145hp | 1,800 hours TBO
- Serial Number: 31591-D-C
- SMOH: 540.5 hours (05/02/1980)
- Oil analysis completed January 2023
- "All wear rates normal."
- "Abrasive and other contaminant levels are acceptable."
- "Viscosity withing specified operating range."
- 2-Bladed Prop
- 540.5 hours SPOH