Low barrier to entry modern training aircraft with attractive economics. Lots of recent stuff, avionics updates, fresh engine overhaul, solid recent maintenance. Paint and interior are weak. Priced accordingly.
- Total Time: 9,147.5 hours
- AFTT = Hobbs + 5,600.6 hours
- Useful load: 807 lbs
- All logs present
- No known damage history
Lycoming O-320-D2A
160hp | 2,000 hours TBO
- Serial Number: L-5056-39A
- 200 hours SMOH (07/2023) by Jewell Aviation, Inc.
Sensenich 2-Bladed Prop 74DM-658-0-54
- Serial Number: A54724
- 200 hours SPOH (07/2023) by Byam Propeller Service, Inc.