RAM Series VI Cessna 414 with stunning ramp presence.
- Total Time: 6,527.6 hours
- Damage History: RH Prop Strike (2012)
- Useful Load: 1,923 lbs
- Empty Weight: 5,931 lbs
- Maintenance: SB MEB-99-13: Complied with and new parts installed
Continental TSIO-520-NB
335hp | 1,600 hours TBO
- LH Engine
- 1,220.9 hours SMOH (10/05/2009) by Jewell Aviation, Inc.
- Crank case full teardown @ 1,022.3 hours SMOH (05/2019)
- RH Engine
- 1,220.9 hours SMOH (10/05/2009) by Jewell Aviation, Inc.
- Full engine teardown due to prop strike (05/2012)
- New cylinders (04/2016)
McCauley 3-Bladed 3AF32C505-C
- LH: 1,220.9 hours SPOH (10/21/2009) by Foster's Propeller Service, Inc.
- RH: 934.6 hours SPOH (09/12/2012) by Sensenich Propeller Service, Inc.
- New Mexico, USA: 1975 - 1984
- Michigan, USA: 1984 - 1988
- Ohio, USA: 1988 - 1991
- Colorado, USA: 1991 - 1993
- North Carolina, USA: 1993 - 1995
- Delaware, USA: 1995 - 2000
- Arizona, USA: 2000 - 2009
- South Carolina, USA: 2010 - 2020
- Texas, USA: 2020 - 2022